
Tell us how we did?

NHS ML welcomes all feedback from patients, families and carers who use our services.  We are interested in your views, and we will use what you tell us to learn and improve. There are several ways you can do this:

Short Satisfaction survey

We have a very short survey which asks how satisfied you were with the services we provided.  We then ask why you selected that score and for any ideas on how we can improve.  It should only take one to two minutes to complete.

You can access the survey here service feedback or you can contact our Patient Experience Team by emailing to request a copy is sent out to you.  You will see a link to this short survey in the email signature of our staff and you can also access it directly from there.

Patient and User Experience Questionnaire

We have a longer questionnaire where you can provide more details about how it was to receive a service from us. There are questions to answer and space to pass on any additional information you want us to know. It should take you around 15 minutes to complete depending on how much information you add.

To complete a questionnaire following an assessment click here provide feedback

To complete a questionnaire following a care review click provide feedback

You can request a copy of the survey from our Patient Experience Team by emailing to request a copy is sent out to you. If you need some help to complete the survey, please contact us and we will try to help.


If you have received a good service or want to thank a particular staff member, we would like to know.  Please contact our Patient Experience Team by emailing to tell us more.