
NHS NHS Midlands and Lancashire – Personalised Healthcare Commissioning

– Who we are and our role in providing NHS Personalised Healthcare Commissioning.

– What you should expect when you use our services.

– What we ask of you.

– The ways you can tell us about your experience.

– What you can do if you want to complain.

NHS Personalised Healthcare Commissioning

Some people with long-term complex health needs qualify for free care which is beyond that provided by core NHS services. For adults 18 and over, this is called NHS Continuing Healthcare. For children and young people up to the age of 17, this is called NHS Continuing Care. Both are based on a national ‘framework’ which explains who should qualify. There is another type of funding known as ‘Funded Nursing Care’. This is where the NHS pays for care provided by a Registered Nurse to people who live in a care home. The NHS provides other related services such as offering Personal Health Budgets to people who want them, help finding suitable care providers or making sure people are safe. We call these ‘NHS Personalised Healthcare Commissioning’.

Continuing Healthcare, Continuing Care and Funded Nursing Care (the three are sometimes described as NHS funded care) are all the responsibility of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) who must make sure they are meeting their duties for their local patient population. During 2022, CCGs will be replaced by Integrated Care Systems (ICS) who will become responsible for NHS funded care services. Some ICBs have contracts in place with Commissioning Support Units to provide Funded Care Services on their behalf. NHS Midlands and Lancashire (NHS ML) provides this for several ICBs across England. The ICB still has the duty in law to make sure these services are provided but NHS ML is responsible for carrying out assessments and reviews in line with the national frameworks. Importantly, NHS ML is the point of contact with patients, their families, and unpaid carers.

This explains what you should expect when you have any contact with us and what we expect of you. We also explain how you can tell us how we are doing and what to do if you have a formal complaint.

Our Commitment to You. We will:
  • Treat you with consideration, respect, and dignity. This also applies to your family members, carers, and representatives.
  • Be on time for meetings and appointments or explain if we will be late. We will have identification which shows our name, our job and who we work for.
  • Not discriminate against you or treat you unfairly for any reason.
  • Allow someone else to be at any appointment with you to provide extra support. This could be a carer, family member, partner, friend, another healthcare worker, or an advocate (a representative who helps you express your views and make informed decisions). We will also offer any additional help we can to allow you to participate and communicate with us.
  • Listen to your views and take them into account. You will have the opportunity to discuss what is going to happen at each stage. We will do our best to answer your questions.
  • Be honest and clear with you about your assessment and share information with you where we can. We will help you understand the choices that you can make about your care.
  • Explain what to expect and how to get in touch with us.
  • Invite you to tell us how we did, how we could improve, how you can challenge any decisions we make and how to complain if you are not satisfied.
What we request of you. You should:
  • Always treat our staff with consideration, respect, and dignity.
  • Be on time or tell us in advance if you will not be or need to cancel. We can then offer your appointment to another patient.
  • Be honest and open with us about your health needs and how they affect you.
  • Tell us if anything changes that could affect your eligibility for NHS funded care.
  • Let us know if you have any questions and help us to resolve any problems as quickly and informally as we can.